Investing Ideas
My Investment Journey ...
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The information or content presented by ReDefyne on its website located at is provided on a general basis and intended for educational purposes only. Any content depicted in the blog posts should be approached with caution and at your own risk and is not to be relied on as investment, legal, tax or other advice as it does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific investor. ReDefyne or assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs, or liability resulting from the viewership of any of the blog posts.
Please note that I or ReDefyne am/is not a financial adviser and have not registered as financial advisers with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) or any other bodies. The information or opinions expressed in this blog are for discussion or educational purposes only. I or ReDefyne cannot be held liable for any losses or gains you may incur with your money.
Investing of any kind entails significant risk. Past performance is not indicative of future results. No guarantee of any specific outcome or profit may be gained from the use of the information on You need to be aware that there is a real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment idea viewed on Strategies or investments discussed on may fluctuate in price or value or even go to zero. You must conduct your own due diligence and make an independent decision in regard to strategies or investments mentioned on, including analyzing charts related to the security as well as all public filings of the issuer of any security mentioned. Before acting on information gained from ReDefyne or or making any investment decisions, you must always conduct your own due diligence or seek the advice of your own financial adviser or legal professional.